Friday, June 17, 2011

Live curious. That message popped up on a TV commercial for HD programming. When you really think about it, it's an extremely profound statement, don't you think? Live Curious. Actually, I can see that as a bumper sticker. I'm thinking it could be a life-changing bumper sticker, as in, maybe it would ignite a conversation with the folks in the car behind. Imagine what the conversations might be.

Scenario 1: The car behind is inhabited with a couple who have been arguing about the same issue for years and years. They're heading to dinner and essentially, no one is speaking because they're both in their own little world. The love is there, but, somewhere along the way, the communication connection was lost. They take notice of the bumper sticker and each, in their own way, compute the message...Live Curious. They get to the restaurant, order their food and as they sip their wine, one of them...probably the wife...says..."so, what do you think that curious?" And so, the conversation begins and, in time, the connection is restored. Happy ending, of course.

Scenario 2: At the next stoplight, a, single mom and her 2 children are in the car behind. She's taking them to school and running late and the kids are fussing and she's majorly stressed...but the 3rd grader notices the bumper sticker and asks Mom what it means. Tired, though she is, she manages to connect with this message and tells him it just means to ask questions about things you don't understand. So, from there, they begin a slow recovery to become the family they want to be.

Scenario 3: A guy , in a truck, is deep in thought about the economy and worried about his job and his home and his future. He's behind a car at the stoplight and takes notice of the bumper sticker...Live Curious. He thinks...WTF??? . Botttom line...he's overwhelmed.

Many scenarios come to mind, but it takes me away from my point.

Live Curious. Hmmmm. Do you think many of us have lost the art of that? I think so. In the last decade, it seems to me, there is less inclination to think about issues because we're so busy and so scattered in our thinking, it's just easier to have others think for us. We listen to the chatter of the media and the pundits who are just more than happy to do our thinking for us. And, we tend to trust the ones we listen to, so... be it politics, left or right...or religion, pro or con...or our health or how to spend our money or raise or kids...or...or...or.

Did we just give up on Live Curious? Did we age ourselves out of that concept? Are we simply victims of information overload and so now we're just like the truck driver in scenario #3...WTF??? Gimme me a break, for crying out loud...bring on the reality shows and partisan "news" shows...religious TV shows.......ANYTHING...just please don't make me think. Let them do it for me.

Live Curious??? Maybe if we ask, really, really nicely, our children...or, our grandchildren, will teach us.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Is all well?

Today, a friend responded to an email I had sent earlier and asked..."is all well"? "All is well", I responded. But, I lied and even as I wrote it I knew it was a lie...simply because it was the easier way. And, I knew she was inquiring about me...just me.

Essentially, all is well with me... so far as my very simplistic life goes. With almost every fiber of my being, I love my husband...we do well on most days. My Sadie dog is awesome....most of the time. For a soon-to-be 68year old, my health is wonderfully well....except when it's not. Financially, all is semi-well...for now. I have majorly awesome friends who keep me afloat more that they can ever know. Also, I'm blessed with a truly awesome sister... and I wish every woman I know and love could have one just like her. And, two brothers who love me and I love them and I breathe all the better just because they're in my life. I am truly, truly blessed to have an incredible son who is my true hero and there is never a day in my life that I don't thank the greater beings for allowing me to be his mom. My grandchildren are, of course, perfectly and incredulously outstanding in every way.

As we go down the line of priorities...I live in a house...six blocks from the beach and we can hear the ocean in the wintertime and we can feel the breeze, watch the majestic pelicans, and listen to the chattering of the sea birds all day long. This was my dream, ever since my family left Miami when I was 12. I still remember getting on the plane, heading to NC, with my mom and baby twin brother and sister and telling my sad and terrified self that someday, I will get back to the ocean. So, yes, all is well with me and my, very self-centered life. There are issues, to be sure, but for the most part, all is well. All well? How can I answer this in the positive when I know these things:

As most of you know, I volunteer in an inner city elementary school in Wilmington. This is the last week of school. On this last week of school, I've learned some things about a few of the children in my class that have left me feeling... just plain raw.

One girl lives with her great-grandmother (think about that) because her mom is in prison and no one seems to know anything about her father. She has other siblings...I hate that term...sisters or brothers seems so much more real... but this great-grandmother could take care of only one, so her sisters or brothers live in a foster home. This little girl is sweet, smart and ever so huggable, and her great-grandmother is doing the best she can, but, needless to say, her funds are very limited. Now that school is out, where can this child go? Who's going to take care of her non-physical needs this summer and make sure she reads and continues to learn?

She is the one who tugs at my heart and the one who left me sleepless last night. The tragedy is that she is just of the thousands of children who will be left behind because no one cares enough to make sure she has a place in our American society. She doesn't count as a human being and her crimes are ...being poor...and being black.

And there is another child...a little boy...cute... sweet and sad beyond anything we will ever know. His dad is in prison and he (at 7) is the oldest of 4 children. The mom, uneducated, lives off the government. But, there are those who think abortion is amoral and sex education is up to the parents, etc..etc..etc. So, we make them have the babies, but we cut off all help from the government to help them survive.

Is all well? No! Hell, no! Because, as happy as I am with my family and friends and beach house, I cannot erase the fact that we're all connected; like it or not...believe it or not...WE ARE ONE. Until we can accept that and live that ...maybe we need to rethink our answer when someone all well? Maybe we need to learn to speak up for ALL of us. Hell no, all is not well. What can we do make it better?