Wednesday, February 20, 2013


It took me awhile to even think in terms of calling the year...twenty in, this is twenty- thirteen...more on that later.  I was pretty stuck in two thousand in, two thousand eleven, etc. At some point in two thousand twelve, I realized I had not graduated to the correct terminology   and made a conscience effort to bring myself up to date. So, I am now current, and for some reason, that seems to least with this particular issue.

So, I'm just looking at my calendar today, trying to figure out what I have to do and what I can avoid and what new and exciting excuses I can come up with to avoid the things I really don't care about.  The good news is that I'm only 4 and 1/2 months away from becoming 70 and, to my way of thinking, once I reach that age I won't have to make any excuses. I can simply say...No Thank You!  But, I'm not quite there, so I'm still struggling for the believable excuse.  I regress in the point I'm trying to make, but I'm just practicing for my 70's.

Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, it's not like I was unaware that it's 2013, I just didn't have a real grasp on the very fact that the first quarter of 2013 is almost over.  How, in the hell, did that happen?  And, you know, it's not really a 'bad thing', it simply is what it is.  Time waits for no man (or woman, presumably) but I'm beginning to totally understand how much more quickly the time seems to go for us older peeps.  My wonderful grandmother, Munna, used to tell us that time went by more quickly for older people.  I really thought that was a crock of you-know-what and just chalked it up to old age.  'Oh Mercy', as my Munna used to say, was I ever wrong on that one.

So, here I am, rambling about things that you have to be old to understand. But, that's ok because 'old' is ok. Mostly, I am just sharing my amazement that the year 2013 is well on it's way.  Whoa! What will we do with this year, y'all?  Better that we have so far, I hope.

Maybe, reaching 70, will allow me to just ramble on in my blogs and not feel like I have to make a point.  When you really get down to it, isn't the point just a celebration that we're sill alive?

Love, peace, and thank you for reading....