Monday, August 6, 2012

Just Not White Enough

I am just sickened to read the background of the man who walked into a holy place yesterday and killed 6 innocent people.  He killed them because they weren't white enough, Christian enough, and they miserably failed the gun-toting good ol' boy test. 

These people were in their temple preparing for the Sunday service and in comes Mr. America and destroys their very existence. Mind you, these people were not radical, babbling, hate-the-world kind of religious fanatics.  They were of a kinder and gentler origin. The Sikh believe that there is one God and that all beings are equal.  People of all religions and races are welcome and women have equal status in their religious services and ceremonies.  They also believe that human life is precious above other life and that living by God's commands they can attain oneness with his mercy. They are peace loving people and stand for truth and justice.  All these beautiful beliefs they try to practice, all character traits we claim to strive for ourselves, but they weren't white Christians.

You may question my reference to "Mr. America", well, it seems to me that this sick human being represents more and more of Americans.  We've become less and less tolerant of each other.  More and more of us want our country to go back to the 50's when it was all about whites, and though blacks weren't slaves, well, at least they knew their place, didn't they?   They want a white, Christian America and they'll destroy our country before they open their minds and hearts to anything different.

When we ever learn?  Prejudice, hatred and violence have been the result of white America's refusal to stand up for what we could and should be.  I think we need to mandate all schools, public and private, who get tax breaks, to teach our children about other religions and cultures. Despite the tough economic times, we have an obligation to teach our children about the beautiful, diverse world that we live in. 

  White America needs to wake up to what’s happening and join hands with every human being in this country,  no matter their color, religion, politics....whatever.   Until we can do that....until we can learn from the Sikh’s that indeed, We Are One, this tragedy will continue to repeat itself time and time again.  How can that not break your heart?

Yes, Mr. and Mz. America, I’m talking to you.  Ignorance is not bliss.  Ignorance kills.


  1. glad i found your blog, lynn. you bloggers inspire me to blog, also. thanks for sharing these thoughts. i think it's more than ignorance; i think it's a mental illness. i pray for their healing.

  2. Lynn, somehow I missed this blog entry! It is excellent, and I agree with all of your sentiments expressed. I love the idea that we should require the teaching of all religions and cultures in our schools - to mandate it in all pubic and private schools that get tax breaks! I have always had that dream, so we believers in a more peaceful and just world will send it out into the universe every chance we get. Thanks so much for these words! :-)
