Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday : I sit with an ice cold Smirnoff Ice...listening to the Rolling Stones...exchanging wise-ass barbs with my 8 year old grandson as he builds yet another majestic tower with his legos. My son is preparing dinner...sister on her computer... pre- teenage granddaughter holed up in her room doing god-knows-what on her i-phone, and I'm is good and I'm just so grateful to be alive, healthy and relatively sane.
We went to Universal Studio today to visit the set Amanda (my daughter-in-law) is working on and even at my advanced age, I was downright thrilled to see cowboys and horses on the western set. It all looked so real, I expected to see Miss Kitty and Matt Dillon come walking out of the saloon. This is a commercial and it just amazes me how much work goes behind these 30 second slots. Almost makes me feel guilty about using that period of time to grab a cookie or go pee.
Our short time in San Luis Obispo was a little disappointing in that when Dave and I drove past it a few years ago coming down the PCH, it seemed like a wonderful little town and I developed a fantasy about moving there. I, actually, went online and looked at a cute little house(1.2 mil.). that was for was within walking distance to the farmer's market. : ) My plan was to check it out on this trip...just for the heck of it. Well, after spending a little time in the town, I realized it wasn't quite what I expected. And that was totally fine..this gypsy gal has found her home. I think I'm becoming more like Dorothy...realizing where home really is and that there's no place like it. Of course, being a cancer crab, there will alway be a little part of me that needs to keep on moving in one direction or another. But, that really doesn't have much to do with home, does it?

Flash forward to Sunday morning! Oh, the time is is going way too quickly. I am soaking in all the love and hugs I possibly can.
Last night, after everyone one else had gone to bed, D.R., Donna and I sat out on the deck and while he played guitar, we sang a few Beatle's songs, and Kristofferson's "'Bobby McGee", but most awesome .... we sang "Hallelujah"...twice...and I remain so blown away by the words of that song. For some time I've wanted to get into a deep discussion about the lyrics and finally last night we did just that. Now I think I get it and perfectly understand why it took Leonard Cohen five years to write it. Itv was such a wonderfully special that will always hang out in my heart and be there just when I need it the most.

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