Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Some years back, my granddaughter, Keely, was so excited about starting kindergarten, which she called "big girl's school". I called her the evening of her first day to ask how everything had gone. A very sad little voice responded..."it was ok...but, Grandma...I'm still 'wittle' (aka little)." I thought it was so cute that she believed she would come home a big girl after her first day of "big girl" school.
Today, I fully get her disappointment. After a day on the Pacific Coast Highway, I still feel very "wittle." My big plans to drive so my sister could really enjoy the view came to naught. I did ok with certain parts of the drive from San Fran to Monterey, but, for the most part, that was pretty flat land and when we hit the few places that were more mountainous, I didn't do so well. Actually, I was pretty crappy.. essentially a wuss. I was driving so slow the bicyclers were passing us. Pretty pathetic, right?
Needless to say, we both knew I'd never be able to drive us from Monterey to San Luis Obispo. So, Donna, God love her, took the wheel and managed to get us here without driving off a cliff and despite my occasional panic outbursts. As the #$*)^#@ road!....put both hands on the %$@#*! steering wheel!....WTF are you doing???.....and then when she was heading to a major curve over a really high cliff and was actually looking over her shoulder behind her...I didn't even have a voice to speak ...all I could was snap my fingers and point to the road. Understandably, she didn't appreciate me snapping at her and had a few choice words to share with her big sister.
Well, I didn't pass my fear-of-heights test and even though, in a way, I feel just like Keely felt when she was still little after her first day of big girl school, I do have one advantage...age. I'm saying to's ok to be afraid...I faced the fear and even though the fear won...hey, WTF! I'm still me and there are plenty of things I'm not afraid of dolphins... and one of them broke my toes for crying out loud. It was a beautiful drive and I'm so glad we did it so Donna could (halfway) enjoy it, but I'm never going to do it again. Once with my Dave and again with my sister..that's all I need in this lifetime. Besides, the other route goes through wine country and I'm totally cool with that.
So, we're all safe and sound in our Ramada Inn room in San Luis Obispo and ready to hit the bed for a good sleep before tomorrow. We'll get back on the PCH down to Santa Barbara, but it's pretty flat and maybe I can even manage to drive this section...if Donna will let me and, after today, I wouldn't blame her if she didn't. She is the best sister in the world...and get this..she can even parallel park. Shazam!!!
Oh...very soon I have to tell you about our many trips to the Goodwill stores..and other thrift shops. Oh baby, did we ever get some deals!!! : )


  1. That's a tough drive, at least you challenged yourself. We have a fligt of stairs in our house. Will you be okay with that?

  2. Lynn, I feel your fear! Luckily for me, my friend that was driving was a former Chevron tanker driver and she had been through that area 100s of times! I still white knuckle it! What beautiful scenery! Thanks for keeping your writing going... can't wait to hear about the GOODWILL finds.

  3. Lynn, Jenna and I were right there in 2008... I drove and she took pictures. I've never, ever, ever, ever been so afraid! It took me hours and hours to have any feeling in my fingers after we arrived at Carmel!!! Someone told me (after our trip) to drive north on the highway instead of south. Probably good advise.. Have a fun trip and travel safely! :)
