I had to laugh. The idea of of doing either had not crossed my mind since I got home Sunday afternoon. The idea of doing anything beyond sleeping and hanging out with my hubby and doggie was inconceivable. I was bone tired... physically, mentally and emotionally. Of course I expected to be a little weary, but this knock-ya-down and throw-ya-around exhaustion is much more intense than I anticipated. Then...I do have to keep in mind the reality of my age...not exactly a young chick anymore.
"Soon it will all seem like a dream", my son told me this morning, and the reality of that has created a teeny spark somewhere within because I want to write down as many thoughts as possible so it will remain a beautiful memory and not just a fuzzy dreamlike experience. Actually, that pretty much describes my life...a fuzzy, dream-like experience. More on that later...now, back to our trip while I still remember it.
One thing I need to do is go back and clear up is a comment I made about AFZ. I may have given the idea that Donna and I were singled out when we were stopped by the BP (Border Patrol) and that was not the case, at all. Everyone was being stopped and some pulled for for further questioning. Most of the folks who were detained were obviously not your light haired, blue eyed kind of folk. Many of them were families traveling and appeared to be taking a typical vacation. You know, with suitcases, tents, and bikes on top of the car. But, guess it was the bikes or something, right? You never know about those American Flyers, do you? We had chairs on top of our car and the inside so overstuffed it looked like we were moving, but that didn't seem to pose any concern at all. Couldn't have been the light skin and blue eyes, right? So...just wanted to make it clear... everyone was stopped, but only folks with brown skin were pulled over to the side.
I already ranted about the political signs, so I won't stir that bad energy up again. But, shortly after we left AFZ we read an article about the decrease in their tourism this summer, and it just seemed totally understandable to me. I don't understand the mentality of a state that allows these types of signs on interstate highways. It's a slap in the face for tourists who have differing political views and a double slap to the people of AFZ who think differently but still pay state taxes. OK...no more talk about this state. I promise. Well, except for this...Dave has a great bumper sticker on his truck..."Karma...it's everywhere you're going to be". Well, guess it can also be said...it's everywhere you're not going to be, right? Looks like lots of touristy folks aren't going to be in AFZ.
Almost finished unpacking. Travel tips: Don't over pack. You really don't need 6 different journals because, chances are, you won't use any of them. Also, try not to pack too many books...why would you think you'll read three or four times more books on a trip than you do at home? You won't! You probably won't read any of them because you'll go into a thrift shop and find a book that you've been wanting to read and it's only 35 cents. That's the book you're gonna read because nothing draws your attention like a super real deal. Blouses and shirts...don't go overboard...keep in mind these wonderful inventions called washers and dryers. They're everywhere! Do take into consideration: weather variances. It wouldn't hurt to being a jacket and a couple things you can layer. Of course, if you hit cold weather and didn't come prepared, that's a perfect excuse for even more thrift shopping. And, when you find an Eileen Fisher medium weight vest for $5...you don't even think twice. : )
I have so much more to tell, but will save it for next time. To all of you who are following my blog....I thank you from the very bottom of my heart. Most of you know I've always wanted to write and through this blog, I'm trying out my wings. If you have suggestions or critiques, please do share...my ego is not allowed on this spiritual venture, so you don't have to worry about that.
Maggie...I think this one might be one of the best...oh they have all been good but there is a particular lightness in this that is striking, maybe being home and writing. Anyway, so glad you will continue to write. And, so glad you had you journey, your dream come true and all the fond memories that remain. Love you.