Friday, April 15, 2011

Our Inner Fairies

Don't you find it just so amazing that, at the advanced age of 67, one can still make discoveries about oneself? Wouldn't you think we'd know all there is to know about just about everything at this time in our life? Some people seem to be on that level of wisdom and knowledge, but I'm thinking they may be just bluffing. Of course, it's possible that they're just more advanced and have circled through the life experience a few extra times. Maybe they're incredibly quick learners of the ways of life. I don't have these answers, but what I do know for sure is that I'm not one of them. My guess is that I'm on a slower boat this go-round, and it's just where I'm supposed to be.

Recently, one of my especially special friends pointed out something to me. She said that on a couple occasions, she actually saw the Maggie me. Once, when I was particularly enlightened about something and the other when I was having one of my "Lucy" moments. (More about that on a future blog. ) But, for the first time, I realized why I try to keep my Maggie self alive. Maggie is lighter, more fun and ever so much more open. Lynn is the responsible one..the how -can -I- make -it -right- for- you person. Big Sister...responsible for the world. Ah! So serious!

But, don't we all have, at least, two sides to ourselves? I think when we evolve from one life to the next life, we carry our past selves with us, and sometimes we're able to separate one from the other, and sometimes we can't quite let certain pieces of our past persona go. To my way of thinking, this is how we become the person we are designed to be. It's sort of like a puzzle, we get a piece here and there and, somewhere down the line, we finally acquire the last piece that makes us whole. Then we can stop trying and just enjoy the ride...wherever it takes us.

Do you have a "lighter you"? How cool would it be to create a "Lighter Me" day? Obviously, it would have to occur, at least, once a week. On this day, we allow all the little fairies and elves inside us to come out and play. We dance and we sing and we just celebrate our very own "me". If we do this, it will free our spirit and allow us to go out into the world and do whatever we can to make things better.

Of course, I know it all sounds very Pollyaannaish, but hey, WTF...tell me something else that is more important than finding our special place in the world and then helping others to do the same. We really are all in this together whether we like it or not. Supposedly, the world was to end today...well, looks like most of are still around. I think we can all agree that, as long as we're here, we might as well make the best of it, right?
See...I think that's where our inner fairies come into play.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Maggie Mondays

Here we are in April and can someone please tell me how the hell that happened? A) Did I sleep through the first 3 months of 2011? B)Did I spend all my time in angst and feeling simply unable to function beyond the very basics of Survival 101? C)Did my inner lazy being just totally take over? D)All of the above?
My answer is D and that's about as honest and accurate as I can be.
But...I set in my mind that I was going to get back into writing on the first Monday in April because I needed to be clear of fickle March and since Monday is universally considered to be a relatively crappy day, why not make it Maggie Monday. Why? Well, why not? I seem to be coming from a contrary inner being these days, so it makes perfect sense to claim Monday as my day to be Maggie and just write whatever comes.
If you remember, from a blog way back, I told you I wrote in the spirit of Maggie and would explain that to you later on. It's taken a whole lot longer that I anticipated, but that's just life, right?
My maternal grandmother's name was Margaret (Maggie) Forrest. I was named after her and my maternal grandfather, Lynwood. My parents called me Lynn, a name I hated for so many years. I absolutely adored my grandmother...we called her Munna. She loved me beyond anything I had ever know...I never did anything wrong in her eyes. She even stood up for me against my dad...and that is something that stuck with me throughout my entire life.
For so many years, I've wondered if my life would be any different if people called me Maggie. Actually, in college some did. The professors always called you by your first name, which led to classmates who called me Maggie. I liked that, but never has the courage to introduce myself as Maggie or even ask my friends to call me that. Keep in mind, this was 1962...way before I knew much about the empowerment of evolving. : )
So...essentially, when my sister and I were on our trip, we decided it should be Luna and Maggie rather that Donna and Lynn. Donna will need to tell her own story, but for me, Maggie made her appearance when I was writing...I felt her deep within my being, just as I feel her right now. Purely and simply, she helps me find the words and the confidence to just put them down on my computer and believe, in my heart, they are just what they should be.
I don't know where the hell she was when I was so fearful of the heights and the lonely road and whatever else frightened the very breathe out of me...but, I'm thinking, maybe Maggie was just as frightened as Lynn. And to maintain my "relatively sane" persona, it's probably good to acknowledge that we are one in the same.
So, now you understand that Maggie writes this blog, and I think it's because the Maggie-me is not so shy about certain things, she believes in the Lynn- me and loves me...just because. My meandering is about spirit, no matter where my physical me happens to be. Isn't that what we're all about? I mean..really deep in our souls? We meander...and that's how we discover our true self. Right?